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Fulfilling the Great Commission

We, at Bethany BFC, are passionate about fulfilling Jesus' Great Commission to "go... and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19), so our outreach is focused both globally through supporting missionaries who are sent out to other parts of the world, and locally through outreach to our own community here in Hatfield, PA. Check out some more specifics about our approach to global and local outreach below!

Local Outreach

Here are some of the ways we seek to fulfill Jesus' Great Commission in our local Hatfield area

Community Care


We partner with other area churches to support our community with charitable projects throughout the year. Some of the projects and drives we participate in are Angel Boxes (toiletries, household items for needy families at Christmas), Baby Bottle Drive (fill a baby bottle with coins, etc for North Care Women's Clinic in the Spring), and food drives for local pantries, as well as various projects benefitting our community.  

Arbour Square Ministry


2:00 p.m.

God has placed a couple of our members as residents at nearby Arbour Square of Harleysville Senior Living Apartments, and we have the opportunity to witness to a group of residents there each Sunday by hosting worship services in their meeting room. Currently, these services are being led by Ron Shuttleworth, a resident of Arbour Square and member of Bethany BFC, along with a rotation of Bethany Elders who preach.

Our Local Outreach Partners

Check out these links for more!

Global Outreach

Here are some of the ways we seek to participate in Jesus' Great Commission on a global scale.

Missionary of the Week


One of the primary ways we participate in God's mission throughout the world is by supporting missionaries in many different countries through our finances and prayers. We keep our Bethany family aware of the needs and prayer requests of our supported missionaries by highlighting one missionary individual/family each week.

Click or tap "Learn More" below if you're interested in joining our prayer chain and receiving weekly e-mails about our Missionary of the week.

Missionary Speakers



10:45 am

At different points throughout the year, we host a missionary during our Sunday School hour and/or Morning Worship Service. This gives us a great opportunity to get updated on how their family and ministry are doing, and also to learn how we can better support and pray for them.  Sometimes a luncheon is provided after the Morning Service in our Family Life Center (FLC) which provides additional time for fellowship and personal conversations with the visiting missionaries.

"Connections" Program

Every Day!

As a part of our overall strategy to support the work that God is doing around the world, both financially and in prayer and encouragement, our “Connections” program allows and encourages each of us within the church “adopt” one or more of the missionaries that we, as a church family, support financially. Our Missions Committee has information on each of the missionaries we support, and we are all encouraged to commit to pray and communicate our support and love to them! Our hope is to continually build a culture of personal connections with our missionaries!

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